When uploading a SCORM package to the scormPROXY repository, you may receive one of the following errors:

  • ERROR: The imsmanifest.xml file in this SCORM package is not correct. Please check that the XML structure of this file is well defined…This error tells you that the manifest file of the SCORM package contains some error in its structure. Check the contents of that file and make sure all XML tags are correct and every opening tag has a corresponding closing tag.
  • ERROR: The default structure for the contents of this SCORM package was not found Every SCORM manifest must include a <organizations> that includes an attribute default that indicates the ID of the default structure. In a sublevel of the tag <organizations> there should be a tag <organization> whose identifier attribute matches the ID of the aforementioned default structure.<organizations default=»TOC1«>
    <organization identifier=»TOC1«>
    <title>CURSO DE PRUEBA</title>
    <item identifier=»ITEM382346″ isvisible=»true»>
  • ERROR: The ZIP file is not correct as it does not contain a manifest file or it is incorrectThis error may appear if the uploaded ZIP file is not correct ( either because it is defective or because it is compressed with an unsupported tool), although it can also happen if the ZIP file is correct but does not include a manifest file or this file is corrupted, be sure to create the ZIP file with updated software and not password protect that file. Also make sure you include a manifest file and that it is correct and viewable.
  • ERROR: The ZIP file is not correct and could not be processedThis error may appear if the uploaded ZIP file is not correct (either because it is defective or because compressed with an unsupported tool). Make sure to create the ZIP file with up-to-date software and do not password protect the ZIP file.